PURPOSE: The purpose of the Local Park Planning Assistance Service is to build, at the grass roots level, a balanced and adequate park and recreational system for all Texans. The small communities of Texas, which cannon afford private outside planning help without sacrificing needed development and/or acquisition monies, are considered the primary recipients of the Park Planning Assistance Service.

ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE: Assistance is available through the service is limited to the provision of basic site planning information to approved applicants for use in the implementation of individual park and recreation acquisition and/or development projects.

Basic site planning information is defined as the dissemination of oral, written or graphic data needed by an applicant to reasonably define the scope of recreational activities desired or needed for a particular site and the basic kinds and quantities of facilities needed to provide such recreational activities.

ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: Only Texas cities and counties are eligible for local park planning assistance. Cities submitting park planning assistance requests must not have a population which exceeds 17,500 inhabitants at the time the request is submitted, based on the latest Federal Census or State Population Estimate. Counties submitting park planning assistance requests for approval must not have a population greater than 28,000 inhabitants at the time the request is submitted based on the latest Federal Census or State Population Estimate.

METHOD OF APPLICATION: Address a letter to the Andrew Sansom, Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department stating the type of assistance required and the need for assistance. Enclose a resolution by the governing body authorizing the request and vesting the highest administrative official with full authority to act for purposes of the request, if approved. Important: The resolution must accompany the written request before the assistance can be considered. To see a sample resolution click here.

For more information contact:

Jim Watt - 4200 Smith School Road - Austin, TX 78744 - (512) 912-7127

This page was last updated on August 14th, 2000.